Postcards from a broad bannerzap!
Meet Lola Miller, mild-mannered reporter, able to leap forward and backward in time on an unlimited expense account. Be there when she digs up the dirt on the famous, the infamous and the insane. Lola covers social issues, historical events, and future happenings; while wisely avoiding politics, x-rated material, and anything remotely associated with Islam. Get tips on such personal matters as world war, global warming, pandemic diseases and how to survive in the 21st Century. Join Lola on an exciting adventure to save the humans. Cartoon journalism, where fact and fantasy meet.


Safety first.

    Don't talk on your cellphone with an ear-piece while staring at a stranger in public.
    Don't project your voice so everyone in the back of the store can hear you.
    Don't just assume that everyone around you wants to hear your conversation...
...especially only half of it.

The Last Tuna The gods must be..Aliens? The Crusades Lola meets her Ego    
  Zoe's Dr. Feathers   Home Toons J.Edgar Hoover's Ego  
Poppies will make you sleepy...
Alice Niemiec Gallery